3rd Stocktaking Conference

The Global Tiger Forum organised the 3rd Stocktaking Conference on 28 – 29 January, in collaboration with Global Tiger Initiative Council (GTIC), National Tiger Conservation Authority (Government of India), Wildlife Conservation Trust (WCT), Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), and WWF. This is the latest collective step in the process that began at the 2010 St Petersburg Tiger Summit – where 13 tiger-range governments committed to Tx2 – an ambitious goal to double the global wild tiger population by 2022.

The conference was inaugurated by the Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dr. Harsh Vardhan. “Conservation of tigers is a duty which has to be meticulously pursued and more innovative ways need to be devised so that we can better the targets adopted by tiger range countries in 2010 at St. Petersburg, Russia”, said Dr Vardhan.

“We must take concerted action to revive tiger populations globally, and this can only happen with long-term investment and the utmost commitment of government leaders, especially from Southeast Asia where there is a risk of losing wild tigers altogether,” said Mr. Rajesh Gopal, Secretary General, Global Tiger Forum.

Over one-third of tiger conservation sites in the world are severely at risk of losing their wild tigers – the majority of which are in Southeast Asia. Many of these areas lack basic plans for effective management, with over 60 per cent of the sites facing several limitations in anti-poaching, according to a first-ever global survey of tiger sites.[1]

Governments reported on the current status of national tiger recovery efforts, highlighting challenges and sharing best practices. Increasing challenges with poaching, lack of capacity, and habitat loss were highlighted as key barriers to tiger recovery among Southeast Asian governments

The two day conference included country updates on the key performance indicators, KPIs of their National Tiger Recovery Programs (NTRP), and the technical presentations on themes such as protection, habitat/ prey/ tiger recovery, management of human wildlife interface issues, smart green infrastructure, habitat and field management, conservation finance and partnerships. Apart from this, there were also four Side Events, including the reviewing of the Sub continental level Tiger estimation for India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal, maximizing synergies of partnerships for tiger conservation, combating wildlife trafficking issues and finally a discussion on the contours of strategy for convention (CITES).

3rd Stocktaking Conference

We are pleased to inform you that the 3rd Stocktaking conference on tiger conservation relating to GTRP/NTRP implementation would be held from 28-29 January 2019 at the SCOPE Complex, New Delhi. This is organized by the Global Tiger Forum, as an implementing arm of the Global Tiger Initiative Council (GTIC), in collaboration with the National Tiger Conservation Authority (Government of India), WWF, Wildlife Conservation Trust (WCT) and Wildlife Trust of India (WTI).

(Entry by invitation only)

For more information on the same, contact: admin@globaltigerforum.org

Global Snow Leopard Summit: Kyrgyz Republic

What is happening in Kyrgyz Republic this August?

The Global Snow Leopard Summit brings together leaders and experts from government, conservation, academia, donor institutions and business, across the globe with a common goal of saving snow leopard. High-level delegations from all twelve range countries will be attending the event with several heads of state are expected to attend the event for discussing conservation priorities and commitments to save this iconic but endangered cat species.

A worldwide petition campaign is ongoing, and more than 100,000 people have already signed an appeal to leaders to take action. If you haven’t done so already, please sign the petition now at www.snowleopard.org/sign.

What is the Background?

The Bishkek Declaration was organized on October 23, 2013, under the leadership of president of Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev. This declaration was unanimously endorsed by the 12 Snow Leopard range countries. To implement the goals set in the Bishkek Declaration, the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program (GSLEP) was formed.

why now?

The year 2017 marks the midpoint of the establishment of GSLEP. The purpose of the summit to strengthen political will at highest level and secure resources to support the goal of GSLEP across the tiger range countries to secure 20 snow leopard landscapes with viable populations by 2020.

Why is this Important?                                            

This summit will not only promote investment and mobilize resources for environmental projects but also try to raise funding for conservation, discuss ideas of green and sustainable development in range countries, prepare a set of best practices for range countries and partners to follow in order to protect the iconic cat and its habitat, take appropriate steps in tackling rural poverty and bringing employment opportunities to the communities living in snow leopard landscape area that leads to decrease human wildlife conflict, raise global awareness for the snow leopard through press and social media.

Ultimately,  range countries are expected to endorse 2017 Bishkek Declaration  again and lay out steps to achieve the goal of GSLEP, e.g. the creation and implementation of landscape management plans, cross-border strategies to combat poaching and illegal trade, and a scaled-up research effort to better understand the snow leopard’s true conservation status.

The GTI council along with partners UNDP, GEF, USAID, SLT WWF, NABU, is one of the strategic partners of the event and committed to contributing to GSLEP objectives.

For more information visit Snow Leopard Forum

Protocol for Security Audit of Tiger Reserves

Security Audit protocol have been developed to help Tiger Reserve (TR) managers in regularly tracking the progress of their enforcement efforts to tackle poaching in their sites, while the status assessment is conducted by independent team constituted by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) at a regular interval.
These protocol have been developed by GTF & WWF after taking inputs from the WCCB, WTI and field officers in consultation with NTCA officials.

For more information visit GTF website


Do You Know the Earth’s Third Pole?


The glaciers and snow-covered peaks surrounding the Tibetan Plateau hold the planet’s largest store of permanent ice and permafrost outside of the North and South Poles. The thousands of glaciers and seasonal snow melt form the headwaters for Asia’s most important rivers, directly providing drinking water, power and irrigation to more than 200 million people and supporting more than a billion people living in the larger river basins.

The Third Pole also contains a large variety of local communities, and a rich biodiversity of which the endangered snow leopard is perhaps the most iconic representative.

Read full article

Source: GSLEP website

Capacity building in Leh, India

The Global Tiger Initiative Council, in collaboration with the GTF, World Bank and the Wildlife Conservation Trust (WCT), and with technical support from Indian Institute of Forest Management and Wildlife Institute of India organized a 3-day capacity building workshop for snow leopard range countries in Leh-Ladakh, India from 7 to 9 November 2016. The workshop was attended by senior frontline officials from Bhutan, Nepal, India and Russia as well as representatives from GSLEP, WWF and NCF. The main objective of this workshop was to incorporate key inputs into the draft manuals for economic valuation of snow leopard landscapes, habitat restoration and monitoring of wildlife populations.


capacity building workshop in sariska

A capacity building workshop for tiger range countries was organized by the Global Tiger Initiative Council, in association with the Global Tiger Forum (GTF), World Bank, Wildlife Conservation Trust (WCT) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) with technical support from the Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM) and Wildlife Institute of India (WII) at Sariska, India. The workshop was attended by senior frontline officials from South Asian Tiger Range Countries (Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal) and representatives from the WWF, WCT and the state forest department of Rajasthan as well as many post graduate diploma trainee officers of WII. The workshop was organized with a view to provide a detailed insight and gather country level inputs and feedback leading to the following working drafts:


  • A manual on economic valuation approaches/methodology for practitioners
  • Technical Guidelines for Habitat and Prey Restoration
  • Protocols for Habitat Quality and Wildlife Populations