Technical Arms

  • Coordinating the implementation of the GTRP strategies to meet the goal of Tx2 while ensuring impact in the frontlines
  • Track program performance and resources against agreed goals, ministerial agendas, and KPIs, help prepare and update strategies/implementation plans/reports
  • Convene regular meetings of range countries & partners
  • Convene and support technical task force & communities of practice on priority themes, identify and promote technological innovations
  • Coordinate trans-national conservation strategies
  • Strengthen regional intergovernmental bodies
  • Contribute to resource mobilization and manage funds, and also identifying suitable projects within range countries from IDA, GEF and other sources
  • To coordinate the implementation of the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program (GSLEP) and to maintain momentum as well as high-level attention in order to progress towards the goal of securing 20 landscapes by 2020.
  • To assist in resource mobilization for implementing the goals of the GSLEP Program including the National Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Plans (NSLEPs) as well as the Global Support Components (GSCs) by identifying various sources such as IDA, GEF etc.
  • To facilitate the implementation of the Global Support Components of the GSLEP that transcend national boundaries and go beyond the capacity of any one country to address alone.
  • To act as a hub for collating information regarding the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection (GSLEP) Program to enable knowledge sharing, program outreach, and joint program evaluation.