What is happening in Kyrgyz Republic this August?
The Global Snow Leopard Summit brings together leaders and experts from government, conservation, academia, donor institutions and business, across the globe with a common goal of saving snow leopard. High-level delegations from all twelve range countries will be attending the event with several heads of state are expected to attend the event for discussing conservation priorities and commitments to save this iconic but endangered cat species.
A worldwide petition campaign is ongoing, and more than 100,000 people have already signed an appeal to leaders to take action. If you haven’t done so already, please sign the petition now at www.snowleopard.org/sign.
What is the Background?
The Bishkek Declaration was organized on October 23, 2013, under the leadership of president of Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev. This declaration was unanimously endorsed by the 12 Snow Leopard range countries. To implement the goals set in the Bishkek Declaration, the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program (GSLEP) was formed.
why now?
The year 2017 marks the midpoint of the establishment of GSLEP. The purpose of the summit to strengthen political will at highest level and secure resources to support the goal of GSLEP across the tiger range countries to secure 20 snow leopard landscapes with viable populations by 2020.
Why is this Important?
This summit will not only promote investment and mobilize resources for environmental projects but also try to raise funding for conservation, discuss ideas of green and sustainable development in range countries, prepare a set of best practices for range countries and partners to follow in order to protect the iconic cat and its habitat, take appropriate steps in tackling rural poverty and bringing employment opportunities to the communities living in snow leopard landscape area that leads to decrease human wildlife conflict, raise global awareness for the snow leopard through press and social media.
Ultimately, range countries are expected to endorse 2017 Bishkek Declaration again and lay out steps to achieve the goal of GSLEP, e.g. the creation and implementation of landscape management plans, cross-border strategies to combat poaching and illegal trade, and a scaled-up research effort to better understand the snow leopard’s true conservation status.
The GTI council along with partners UNDP, GEF, USAID, SLT WWF, NABU, is one of the strategic partners of the event and committed to contributing to GSLEP objectives.
For more information visit Snow Leopard Forum